Let’s be honest, we’ve all been guilty of forgetting a birthday or two. Maybe it was that cousin you haven’t seen in years, or your best friend since kindergarten, but either way, you’re in trouble. But fear not, because sending a belated birthday message is like putting a Band-Aid on a paper cut – it won’t solve the problem, but it’s better than doing nothing. Plus, with the right message, you can make up for lost time and show your loved ones just how much they mean to you.
So, grab a cup of coffee and read on – we’ve got some hilarious belated birthday wishes that are sure to make your loved ones forgive you for being a forgetful fool. Check them out below and find the perfect message, or use them as inspiration to write your own heartfelt (or hilarious) note.
Funny Belated Birthday Wishes Filled with Sarcasm and Sass, But Still Sweet Enough to Melt Heart
- I heard you celebrated your birthday without me. I’m hurt, but I forgive you. Belated happy birthday!
- I hope your birthday was worth the wait. After all, good things come to those who wait. Happy belated birthday!
- Normally it takes me months to realize that I’ve forgotten a birthday. So when you look at it that way, I’m actually kind of early. Happy belated, my friend!
- Belated birthday wishes to the one person who deserves more than just a single day of celebration. Let’s make up for lost time!
- Sorry I missed your birthday. I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you by being twice as nice for the rest of the year.
- Sorry I missed your birthday, but let’s be real, you’re getting too old to keep track of these things anyway.
- Happy belated birthday! I hope you’re not too old to forgive me for being a little late to the party.
- Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m sorry I missed your birthday, but at least my poetry skills are still true!
- I heard your birthday was a huge success, even without me there. I guess that’s what happens when you’re awesome. Happy belated birthday!
- Sorry I missed your birthday. I’ll make it up to you by giving you an extra dose of my amazing personality. Belated happy birthday!
- Happy belated birthday! I’m sorry I missed it, but I heard the party was so lit, the fire department had to be called.
- I’m not saying I’m fashionably late to the birthday party, but I did bring a fabulous hat to make up for it.
- Roses are red, I’m feeling blue, because I missed your birthday, but I still want to celebrate with you! Happy belated birthday, my friend
Related: Funny Belated Birthday Wishes for Your Cousin
Oops, I’m late! Happy Belated Birthday, friend. Let’s celebrate anyway!
True friends won’t mind at all if you’re a little late with their birthday wishes. In fact, they might even prefer it – that way, the party never has to end! If you’re looking for some belated birthday wishes to make up for lost time, keep reading!
- Sorry I missed your birthday, but don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you with double the presents and double the love. Happy belated birthday!
- I may have missed the day itself, but I would never forget about wishing you a fantastic birthday. Belated love and hugs to you, my friend.
- It’s not that I forgot your birthday, it’s just that I simply don’t believe you ever age. Hope you had a wonderful special day!
- The guest-of-honor always arrives at the last. So here I am, wishing you a very happy belated birthday. Hope you enjoyed it to the fullest.
- I may have missed the party, but I’m here to make up for it with some extra hugs, laughs, and maybe a few questionable dance moves. Happy belated birthday, my friend!
- Friends wish together, best friends wish alone. Now that the whole world has already wished you, it is my turn. Happy belated birthday, dumbo. Stay happy, stay smiling.
- Sure, I could have been like everyone else and delivered your birthday wishes on time but that’s just so predictable. Hope your birthday was unexpectedly wonderful!
- Hey, before it gets to be any later, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I’m so sorry I missed it and the next time I see you, I’ll give you a great big hug to make up for
- Okay, I messed up. Time got away from me and somehow I missed your birthday. I hope you had an excellent day and that the upcoming year is filled with happiness.
- Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a little late, but I still love you! Happy Belated Birthday
- Roses are red, your birthday was green, I hope you had a blast, despite my lateness on the scene!
- I’m sorry I’m late to the birthday celebration, but I promise to make it worth the wait with lots of hugs, laughter, and cake. Belated happy birthday to someone who deserves the world!

- Remember when Cher wanted to turn back time? Well so do I because I missed your birthday! At least I’m saying it now! Hope you had a great birthday!
- As someone who’s had many birthdays, I consider myself to be an expert on the topic. As such, I now say to you, happy slightly late birthday.
- They say, “Good things come to those who wait.” Here is a good wish of a happy belated birthday to you, my friend! Enjoy this wish and more this next year.
- The great thing about being friends is the ability to be honest with one another about anything and everything. I would honestly like to wish you the best belated birthday ever.
- Oh dear, I did it again. Your birthday passed and I missed it, my friend! Happy belated birthday!
- Here’s to you and all that you mean to all of us here at work. Not only are you a great worker, but you are also an amazing friend. Sorry we missed your big day! Happy belated birthday to a great person all around!
- Belated birthday wishes from the friend who always misses the mark, but never misses the party.
- Blessed are you today and always because of your friendship and good deeds. You are a special person to so many people. May you have a fantastic and joyous year! Happy belated birthday, dear friend!
- Oh no, I’m late with your birthday wishes again. Lucky for me, with age comes patience. Happy late birthday, my friend.
- I decided to send your card late, so the excitement of your birthday would last even longer. The older we get, the more we have to celebrate. Think of all of the memories – good times, bad times, and all of those in between. Every memory has molded us into who we are today and that is a blessing in and of itself. Happy belated birthday to you, my friend!
- I’m so glad you are a woman of faith. Keeping the faith that my card would come served you well! Happy belated birthday!
- Happy belated birthday to the one person who never lets me down, even when I’m late to the party. You are a true gem, and I hope your birthday was as amazing as you are.

- 20 years old, no longer a teenager! Life goes fast, that’s for sure. Be sure and take it all in and learn the valuable lessons along the way. Time is the best teacher we have. Happy belated birthday!
- Once upon a time, I met a very cool friend who changed my life from that point forward. She brought fun and laughter everywhere she went and was the best confidant around. Thankfully, it’s not a fairy tale and you are that awesome friend. I am sorry I missed your big day. Happy belated birthday!
- Moments come and moments go, but memories last a lifetime. Thanks for all you have meant to me and my entire family. Happy belated birthday to such a dear friend!
- Just when I felt my life was organized, I totally missed your birthday! You are a great friend and I feel terrible for my forgetfulness. Please forgive my absent mindedness. Happy belated birthday!
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. The happiest of belated birthdays to you!
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. There is no one better than you. Happy belated birthday!
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. I hope this card lets you know my wishes are true. Happy belated birthday!
- Every so often, I happen to forget the most important of occasions. And this is one such day. I apologize for my tardiness. Happy belated birthday, friend!
- I am saddened and very sorry I missed your birthday. My birthday wishes to you might be late but that doesn’t mean I don’t cherish you as a friend. Our friendship to me is a priceless gift from above. Happy belated birthday, dear friend.
- I forgot your birthday and I’m being drenched by immense guilt, which is pouring down on me like nobody’s business. Only you can save me by giving me the umbrella of forgiveness. Happy belated birthday. Hope it was a nice one.
- What’s the rush if you’ve made it to this age already?
- I plead guilty for missing your birthday, and I promise I will make it up to you. But until then, please accept my apology and wishes. Happy belated birthday.
- I can’t believe I forgot my best friend’s special day. I feel bad about it and hope that you forgive me. Wishing you a belated happy birthday.

- A belated happy birthday to you. May all the good things that life has to offer always find their way to your doorstep.
- Despite my wishes being a little late, you know they are straight from the bottom of my heart. I wish you success in all your endeavors, and may Heavens always smile on you. Happy belated birthday, my friend.
- I know you have forgiven me for missing your birthday. So I want to thank you for that and promise that it will never happen again. Happy belated birthday.
- My friend, I must confess that I recently suffered a brief lapse in my brilliant intellect and completely forgot your birthday. I can only imagine how disappointed you were, but fear not! I have consulted the ancient tomes of wisdom and discovered that the best way to make up for such a mistake is with copious amounts of cake, laughter, and good company. So let’s make it up to you! Happy belated birthday, my friend!
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Sorry, I’m Late! Funny Belated Birthday Wishes for a Good Friend!
If the birthday wish must be a little late, it might as well be a little humorous too.
- What’s that old saying? It’s never better than late to wish someone a happy birthday. Hope you had the best birthday ever!
- I didn’t forget your birthday, I just wanted to give you a few extra days to feel young.
- The world is made up of two types of people. Meticulously punctual types on a rigorous schedule and the awesome fun people like me who don’t own calendars. Happy belated birthday, my friend.
- It’s somehow appropriate that as you’re getting on in life, I am getting later with my birthday greetings. Sorry to have missed the day, but I hope you had a fantastic birthday.
- From now on, I promise that the older you get, the better I will be at remembering birthdays. I think that’s fair. Have a great belated birthday.
- One of the telltale signs of age is forgetting things. Wait, why was I writing this? Oh yeah! Happy belated birthday.
- They say that forgiving and forgetting go hand and hand. I took care of the forgetting part, now all you need to do is forgive me for being so late with wishing you a wonderful birthday.
- I’ve been so busy trying to forget my own birthday that I got carried away and forgot yours. Sorry! Go out there and feel young! Happy belated birthday.
- I guess I’ve had too much on my plate lately because I forgot your birthday. That also might explain why my scale broke. Hope you had a great birthday!
- It’s not that I’m late with your birthday wishes, I’m just really, really early for next year. Hope you had a fantastic birthday.
- I’m starting to think that living my life using an ancient calendar isn’t working. I mixed up the seasons, ended up with leftover days and now I’ve missed your birthday. Hope you had a great, modern birthday.
- Carol King may think that it’s too late, baby, yeah, it’s too late but I’m still going to wish you a happy birthday anyway. Hope your special day was terrific.
Belated Happy Birthday Wishes for a Family Member
- I may have missed your birthday, [Name], but you’re always in my thoughts and in my heart. Happy belated birthday to the one who makes my life brighter and more beautiful every day!
- Belated happy birthday, [Name]! You’re loved and cherished every day.
- My wishes might not have reached you on time, but families do not require punctuality. I always have wished the best for you, now and forever. Belated happy birthday, my dear.
- I hope your birthday was so awesome that you’re still recovering, [Name]. And if not, I’m happy to create some more awesome for you. Happy belated birthday to the most wonderful [family member] in the world!
- I can’t believe I missed your birthday, [Name], but at least I didn’t forget that you’re the most amazing [family member] in the world. Happy belated birthday, and cheers to another year of being awesome!
- Roses are red, violets are blue, I hope your birthday was awesome, and you still love me too!
- Roses are red, and so are my cheeks, because I’m blushing with embarrassment at having missed your birthday. Happy belated!
- Happy belated birthday to the one who always keeps me on my toes, my favorite [family member]! I’m sorry I missed the main event, but I’m always down for an after-party. Let’s celebrate!
- Happy belated birthday to the most amazing [brother/sister/parent] in the world! I’m sorry I missed it, but you know I’m always here to celebrate you. Hope your day was filled with love, laughter, and everything you hold dear.
- Happy belated birthday to my rock, my confidante, and my family. I’m sorry I missed your special day, but you know I’m always here to celebrate you. Wishing you a year filled with all the blessings and happiness your heart can hold. Love you to the moon and back
You may also want to visit our article with Funny and Heartfelt Belated Birthday Wishes for Sister

Look, let’s face it – we’re all human, and we all forget things from time to time. Birthdays included. But forgetting isn’t the problem – it’s deciding not to do anything about it. So, don’t be that person who hides under a rock and pretends they didn’t miss the party. Own up to your forgetfulness, put on your grown-up pants (or whatever makes you feel most comfortable), and send a belated birthday message that’s as heartfelt as it is hilarious. Trust us, your loved ones will appreciate the effort (even if they still hold a grudge for the missed cake). So go forth, spread the love, and always remember – there’s nothing that a good belated birthday wish can’t fix. And if all else fails, there’s always next year.
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