Your parents have done a lot for you. If nothing at all, they gave you life. It is therefore only fair on your part to tell them how much you love them every now and then. Surprise your mom or dad on a random day by sending him or her a beautiful I Love You Message or Quote. This will surely remind them or let them know how much they mean to you.
Wondering how you can send these words to your Mom or Dad? There are a number of creative and cool ways you can go about doing that. You can write the message on a beautiful card and send it to him or her. You can also write these lovely messages on your parents’ Facebook timeline or send them via normal text messages.
Below are some heartwarming I Love You Messages and Quotes for your Mother or Father that we have compiled just for you. Don’t wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day before saying “I love you”. Browse through our fine list of messages and send anyone of these brilliant messages to your mother or father to express your love for him or her and put a smile on his or her face.
Original “I Love You” Messages and Quotes for my Mother
- Mom, I want to thank you for playing such an incredible role in my life. I love you now and forever.
- While it is true that life is a crazy and that life guarantees nothing, Mom, one thing I can always rely on is your never ending love for me. I love you, Mom.
- Mom, you are the only one who gives me everything without expecting anything in return. You’re such a wonderful person, and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
- Thank you for all that you’ve sacrificed in your life just to protect me and put a smile on my face. I love you so much, Mom. May God never stop blessing you.
- Mom, you’re the most beautiful and caring person on Earth. You are my sunshine, Mom. I love you with every single beat of my heart
- Mom, I just want you to know that all that I am and all that I hope to achieve in this life, I owe all to you. Thank you for all your love, care, advice and support. I will never forget all the priceless things you’ve done for me in my life. I love you, Mom. You’re the greatest.
- My greatest wish for you, Mom, is to always see happiness in your heart and a smile on your face because you’re such a wonderful person. I love you so much.
- Mom, the love and bond between you and me is one that can never be broken. I can never stop loving you because you’re my greatest gift from God.
- You’re my paradise, Mom. Please never forget that. I love you so much.
- Mom, throughout my life, you have supported me and believed in me when even I didn’t believe in myself. You’ve made me what I am today, and I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for that. I love you.
- Best Mom in the World | Birthday Wishes for your Mother
- Your wonderful involvement in my life what has led to my success today. Thank you, Mom. I love you so much.
- I had a super awesome childhood because I have a wonderful mother like you. Thank you, Mom, for giving me such an awesome childhood. I love you.
- Thank you for all your love and support, Mom. I am such a lucky person to have someone like you as a mother. I will always love you.
- To my dear, Mother, thank you for all your love and sacrifices. I promise to never let you down. I love you more than I can ever express in any word in the dictionary.
- Mom, I could have never made it through life without your constant support, love and advice. You’re such a precious mother to me, and I love you so much for that.
- Happy Mother’s Day Images
- Dear Mom, we may not always see eye to eye. We may argue and fight with each other. We may have our differences. Despite all this, there is one thing I want you to always remember: I will always cherish you from the bottom of my heart because you mean the world to me. I love you, Mom.

I Love You Messages for my Father
- Throughout my entire life, I can’t seem to remember a time when you weren’t there to support, love and guide me. No one can ever replace you, Dad. I love you.
- Dear Dad, you are more than just a Father to me. You’re my best friend and my guardian angel. I love you more than you can ever imagine. You’re such an amazing person. May the Lord always shower you with His blessings. Love you.
- Happy Birthday, Dad! | Birthday Wishes for your Father
- Thank you for always loving and believing in me, Dad. These things mean the world to me. I love you always and forever, Dad.

- Dad, you’re my number one hero. And nothing will ever take your place in my heart. I love you more than I can ever express in words.
- Dad, you are the most wonderful person in my life. Thank you for everything. I love you now and forever.
- Dad, you’re one of the few people in my life who constantly stand beside me through thick and thin. What would I do in this life without your love and support? I would be lost without you. Dad, I love you so much.
- I love you, Dad for being such a great Father and friend to me. May the good Lord always fill your heart with happiness. You’re the best father in the whole world. And I’m so proud to be your son/daughter.
- 200 Free Birthday eCards for Friends and Family
- I am the person I am today because of your love, care, advice and inspiration. Thank you, Dad. I love you.
- Dad, you went through a lot of struggle and pain to give me everything I needed in life. I promise to never let all your sacrifices go in vain. I love you so much, Dad. I really do.
- I love you beyond words, Dad. Thank you for all your sacrifices.
- I’m very lucky to have a father like you. Whenever I encounter difficult challenges in life and want to give up, I remember the times when you would embrace me and tell me everything is going to be alright. That thought alone inspires me to keep striving on. I love you so much, Dad.
- Dad, thank you for making me believe in myself. Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for all the sacrifices you’ve made just to put a smile on my face. Thank you for showing me right from wrong. All these things have made me who I am today. You’re the greatest Dad in the world, and I love you from the depths of my heart. May the Heavens always smile on you.

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