Stand out from the crowd with your personalized birthday greeting! What better way to show you care than by sending a custom-tailored message on Kim’s special day! She’ll remember your thoughtfulness for years to come!
Pick the perfect message and picture to create a birthday wish she’ll brag about.
Birthday Wishes for Kim
- A birthday candle for another year; a birthday wish for a friend so dear!
- Another birthday and you’re positively ageless! Signed, your jealous friend!
- Birthday memories are like true friends; they last a lifetime!
- You’re as sweet as a cupcake, as bright as a candle, and sparkle like a champagne toast!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Kim
- You know you’re getting older when people roast marshmallows over your birthday cake!
- It’s your birthday! Put on your birthday suit and party!
- Life is short; eat two pieces of cake!
- Warmest birthday wishes to my favorite antique!
Happy Birthday, Kim Images

Happy Birthday, Kimberly Images

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