A love poem is a sweet way of expressing how much someone means to you. Although many love poems tend to be romantic, they do not always have to describe a lover. Instead, such poems can describe platonic friendships, unrequited love, family or even adoration for a pet. Love poems can be quite lengthy or short and sweet, just as long as your ideas are conveyed in a thoughtful way.
Although the idea of a love poem should have a rhythmic flow, every other line does not have to rhyme. In fact, free verse poems are ideal as well, as they are to the point, without the added task of searching for a rhyming word with ideal meaning. Whatever style you choose for your love poem, here are some examples that are free form, rhythmic, long and short.
I Love You
- When life gets blue and out of control,
there is none other that fills my heart and my soul.
You make my heart sing and to me,
that means everything.When to each other,
we are not polite,
it is you that my hear seeks respite.Life isn’t always so easy.
When I have you,
every thing else seems so easy.It’s said that within is where that happiness gets its start
But with a love like ours,
I have to tell you what lays dear to my heart.You are my sunshine,
the highlight of my existence
When we are together life is quite the enjoyable experience.

- In the cold blistering winter of life,
The sharpness of loneliness taunts with its unwavering presence,
The howling sound of isolation fills up the crisps nights,
taunting me with its ever-present gloom.There is no comfort in my cold bed.
Without your warmth that I may rest my head,
Without you here, life feels as heavy as lead,
Weighing me down with it’s blackened space.When we turn away and everything is cold.
Frigid is the air that separates us.
The world is bleary and bold,
Without you here to hold.My world is as rigid as ice,
Without your love it isn’t quite as nice.
You are love and without you I am empty.
With love in my life, happiness is plenty.
The Invisible Crown
Love isn’t always so easy to find
But it’s always yourself,
that one should keep in mind.
We cannot count on others for our source of bliss.
It is our own hearts,
that fill our lives with gladness.
Love yourself and others will follow suit.
Even when you’re feeling low,
And it seems as as if like no one gives a toot.
When you make your own heart sing,
with the beat of your own drum,
oh what joy it will bring.
It isn’t selfish to think of self first
When you do,
you’ll be ready to love others too.
Sometimes life knocks us down and gives us a frown
But when we are our own best-friend,
we earn an invisible crown.

Modern Romance
It begins with a “Hi”.
The computer screen pings.
A new suitor catches your eye.
Then it begins-
Instant Messages, pings, chats.
Instant love begins at the drop of a hat.
Whoever knew that romance could all about the text?
Online Dating, photo-sharing, Skyping,
If you’re lucky, maybe even cybersex.
You get to know each other.
The wrong emoticon, the wrong punctuation,
Can leave you in the dust with anticipation.
Strip away body language and tone,
When it comes down to it,
You’re new relationship is with a smartphone.

Your Love is Like Candy
Simple, sweet
Smooth, delicious, enticing, alluring
Always tasty and insatiable.
Agape, Philea, Storge, Eros
Love is sweet, love is kind.
Love we all need,
But our needs are all unique, we find.
There are four types of love,
Made for each and every person.
Deep feelings of intense adoration.
Agape, Philea, Storge and Eros.
No matter the time, no matter the place.
Each one has a proper space.
Agape is sensational.
The unwavering friend.
For this type of love is never conditional.
Agape is there, when you need him most.
No matter the circumstance, loved you surely are.
He isn’t too pushy, never too close.
Philea is finicky, yet never mean.
A cousin to agape,
a picky lover, it seems.
Philea is warm and he is giving.
He will gently tell it like it is.
Don’t get him wrong, he isn’t misleading.
Storge is friendship.
It is familial love.
The stuff that forms strong kinships.
Storge is sacrificial.
It is comfort.
One thing that storge isn’t, is superficial.
Eros is love, the passional kind.
When you’ve found the right person,
It makes you lose your mind.
Eros is what draws you to your crush.
Careful with this one,
Or you’ll end up with a head rush.
The four types of love are simple and clear.
Love comes in all forms,
and should always be something that we hold dear.

I once had a crush who was beautiful and strong.
After a while I realized something was wrong.
Handsome and statuesque,
More hairy than I’d like to attest.
He was the guy,
Little did I know that it was just a lie.
His eyes beady and brown.
Always curled into a frown.
The other girls ogled at his looks that were stark
But the more they approached the more he barked.
One day, I got out of my slumber,
I gave him my number,
Instead of a hi,
He just walked right bye.
You can have a crush with a gentleman.
Or you may flirt with my Doberman.
What is Love?
Everybody needs love,
And everybody wants it.
Yet, we don’t always deserve it.
Everybody needs love,
And everybody wants it.
But, we don’t share enough of it.
Love has been talked over for centuries.
When it comes down to it,
It is still quite a mystery.
Is it physical? Is it chemistry?
With too much, with too little,
It requires some therapy.
Love has many faces,
It fills up our senses.
It is even sought in many different places.
What is love?
Is it innate? Is it learned?
We should hold on to it when it swoops down like a dove.
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