In the modern world, many of us do just as much socializing on the internet as in person.
Below we have provided some Christmas wishes designed to be posted on the most popular social media platform in the world, Facebook, which we are hoping you will deem appropriate to use!
- I want to wish a very-special Christmas to all of my Facebook family and friends!
- I wish everyone a social media Christmas full of likes, shares and loving comments!
- May your Christmas joy be so strong this year that it goes viral! Happy holidays.
- Merry #xmas to all of my Facebook family! Love you all.
- May all social media beef be squashed this holiday season. #MerryChristmas to you all!
- I want to wish a Merry Christmas to my entire family, all of my Facebook friends and even #MarkZuckerberg.

- I wish this holiday season, I could see all of my Facebook friends in the flesh, but since that’s not possible, let me extend to all of you my sincerest happy #ChristmasTime wishes!
- I hope every one of my Facebook acquaintances enjoy having me as a friend as much as I do you. May each and every one have a joyous Christmas!
- May my sincerest beautiful Christmas wishes go out to my truest Facebook friends. You know who you are!

- I’m feeling very #Christmassy this year and want to spread my love all over Facebook!
- #ChristmasIsComing everyone. I hope you are prepared!
- FYI: I will not be online this #Christmas #holiday. Instead I’m actually going to enjoy some good old-fashioned offline quality time with my family!
- May the #ChristmasSpirit descend on everyone reading this post!
- None of us knows if we will be here this time next year, so let’s go all out and make the most of this #Christmas!
- My love for my Facebook friends extends beyond just this computer screen. I wish everyone a happy, joy-filled #Christmas!
- I will be with the family on Christmas Day, but you know I’ll hiding the android under the table and logged in anyway. Make sure you holla at your boy!
- I feel like my Facebook friends are spending this holiday with me, even though some of you are so far away. My Christmas love reaches out to you wherever you are!
- I wish everyone reading this post a beautiful, safe and pleasant Christmas!

- May the love of Jesus fill all of our hearts this Christmas season.
- Of course I will be livestreaming my Christmas Day to bring joy to as many souls as I can. Make sure you tune in!
- I wish my whole Facebook family, even the friends of friends of friends, a superb Christmas holiday!
- I hope this Christmas, each of you will get what you sorely need, both materially but especially mentally and spiritually. May all of the sufferings of this past year be put to rest this holiday season!

- I feel connected to everyone not just through Facebook but also in my heart. May all of your Christmas wishes come true!
- If anyone out there knows Santa’s personal website, please forward the address to me ASAP.
- We live in an age where we can mass produce Christmas greetings, but that doesn’t mean these sentiments don’t come from the heart. I wish you all a lovely holiday!
- This message is to let you know that I not only value you as a cyber-friend but sincerely wish you a fantastic Christmas!
- Amazon is now the new Santa Claus. Merry Christmas!
- If I could have any wish for Christmas, it would be to punch Mark Zuckerberg in the face. Happy holidays!
- Imagine how much money I would have to spend on postage to wish you all a Merry Christmas if Facebook didn’t exist!
- Mark Zuckerberg is now more important to Christmas than Santa Claus, for without him, I couldn’t wish you all happy holidays!
- I know this may seem like mere words, but I hope that everybody reading this message has a loving Christmas.
- Soon we will have holograms and can spend Christmas at the same table, even if we’re in different countries. But until then, I miss you and wish you the best holiday season ever!
- There are a number of charities online you can quickly donate even the smallest amount of money to and help brighten up the Christmas of someone who is less fortunate.
- Christmas is especially merry this year because I have thousands of Facebook friends to share it with. I love you all!
- I want to thank everyone I enjoyed a virtual relationship with this year and express my desire that you thoroughly enjoy your Christmas!
- I have formed some real deep bonds and friendships over Facebook and wish you a Merry Christmas just as genuinely as the people I interact with face to face.
- It is going to feel strange going offline an entire day to spend Christmas with my family – so I’m not going to even attempt doing it! Holla at your boy!
- Anyone of my Facebook friends who is in the vicinity of my home this Christmas is free to stop by for some holiday cheer!
- May the loving spirit of Christmas extend from my fingertips and reach everyone reading this post!
- You don’t have to be a Christian to practice this holiday. Christmas is a good time for anyone to do charity and show appreciation to those you love!
- #ChristmasParty at my place this year. Now you know that it’s officially on!

- This is the time of year where even cyberspace seems like a mystical, magical place! #ChristmasLoading
- I’m feeling plenty of #ChristmasVibes already, and I hope that all of my friends out there also catch the spirit!
- To everyone I’m quarreling with on Facebook, have a Merry Christmas. We can pick up the drama where we left off next year!
- I’m going to be spending Christmas alone, but I have the vast entertainment network known as the internet to amuse me. Anyone online on Christmas Day, make sure to give me a shout-out!
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