There is no better way to show Camila/Mila how much you care than with a personalized birthday greeting. Imagine the smile on her face when she sees this special, custom greeting from you!
Pick the perfect message and picture to create a birthday wish she’ll remember for years to come. Bonus: You’ll be remembered as well!
Birthday Wishes for Camila/Mila
- May your birthday sparkle as bright as the candles on your cake and the champagne in your glass!
- Sweetest wishes for this special day. May the sweetest dreams be headed your way.
- Happy birthday Camila/Mila! Today and every day, you are a gift to me! Enjoy your special day!
- Cheers to another year! May it be filled with love, laughter, and joy!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Camila/Mila
- Today is your birthday; I’m sure you’ll agree, today on your birthday you’re older than me! Best wishes!
- Let’s Celebrate The Bright…Interesting…Radiant…Talented…Helpful…Daring…Admirable…Youngish Girl!
- Don’t forget, there are benefits to getting older. Lower insurance rates, retirement, and that sun-kissed tan all those candles on your birthday cake add to your cheeks!
- It’s your birthday! Go wild like you did on your first birthday; Drink a bottle, stumble around the house and pass out in the cake!
Happy Birthday Camila Images

Happy Birthday Mila Images

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